he Proverbs Collection is a stylistic compilation, featuring a single verse from each of the thirty-one chapters of the Biblical book of Proverbs. This ancient text, attributed to King Solomon, has been inspiring readers to reflect on enduring principles of righteous living and personal growth for thousands of years. Each verse for the Collection was meticulously selected to elicit a deep emotional and spiritual connection to timeless wisdom in the context of the modern world.
Chapter One:
- Verse Ten - "My Child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them!"
- In a world vying for our attention, simply turning away is a powerful tool to prevent our spiritual and mental energy from being eradicated.
Chapter Two:
- Verse Eighteen - "Entering Her house leads to death; it is the road to the grave. The man who visits Her is doomed."
- Temptation surrounds us as we drive down the street, as we scroll through our phones, as we hang out with others. If we entertain it, it will alter the reality of harmony and peace.
Chapter Three:
- Verses Fifteen & Sixteen - "Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with Her. She offers you long life in Her right hand, and riches and honor in Her left."
- It is hard to fathom how and why people today neglect the deep wealth of wisdom found within the Book of Proverbs and throughout the Holy Scriptures. If and when you find it, you'll realize how truly rare it is.